Now that the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), which is being administered by SunLife, has been officially rolled out and is operational, we are pleased to let you know that our clinic is prepared to work with you so that you can make the most of its dental benefits.
To determine whether you are eligible for the plan, please visit:
Canadian Dental Care Plan
This site will offer you information regarding eligibility requirements, how to apply, coverage start date, and who can apply.
If you determine that you are in fact eligible, you must enroll in the plan and then bring the SunLife card that you will receive with all of your enrollment details to your next dental appointment.
Please note that while the CDCP works in a similar way to some other dental plans, it might not cover all dental procedures, and will cover only CDCP established fees. Also note that The CDCP fee guide is different than the Manitoba Dental Association fee guide that is followed by most dental offices in Manitoba including ours, so there will be discrepancies between the two. Patients are therefore still responsible to cover any amount not looked after by the CDCP. At this time only basic dental care is covered, Sunlife has informed us that any major dental work must be pre-authorized and they will not be taking any pre-authorizations until November 2024. In our experience so far, most patients who have qualified for 100% coverage in actuality have faced additional charges of between 20 to 30%. While Windsor Park Dental Clinic cannot provide information regarding what SunLife will cover, you should be able to obtain that information directly from SunLife.
Once you are enrolled, we will update your file to include your SunLife information, and we will be able to submit directly to SunLife on your behalf electronically once any work has been completed. This will allow you to know immediately what your balance will be.
Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to providing you with the highest quality dental care possible.